Boosting Your Brand on a Budget
By Sarah Beath, Junior Social Media Designer
As the economy puts a strain on the wallet clasp, marketing budgets are getting seemingly smaller, forcing brand managers & marketers to become magic makers with what they have at their disposal. This can be done by collectively thinking outside of the box whilst ensuring that your brand stands out amongst the rest. Brand presence & recognition are major factors when customers are ready to commit to a business relationship.
However, this does not mean that you need to move heaven & earth in the hope that you may stand out in the minds of a handful of customers. But that you must become more strategic in how you use your marketing budget. Whether opting for promotional giveaways or eventing equipment or possibly a combination of the two, you should always be conscious of the type of event you will be exhibiting in, as well as potentially being able to re-use what you already may have ordered. Gazebos, pull up banners and flying banners are quite possibly the best investment products, they can be set up in a timely fashion and add a level of professionalism to any event. Not only can they be re-used for multiple events but they can be re-skinned at a fraction of the price of ordering new branding equipment for each event.
If promotional giveaways or merchandise fits into your brand and marketing potential, then ensure your product selection will leave a lasting impression without breaking the bank. To do this, it is important to identify your target market and understand their needs before deciding on your marketing approach. The objective is to present your product or service in the most favourable light.
If your target audience is a room full of businessmen who are constantly responding to emails or taking calls, a product such as a cardholder for your phone with your logo and contact details will take up a substantial portion of marketing real-estate. This means that your brand could appear in the boardrooms of potential clients & spread brand awareness.
Your branding reiterates a lot about your brand, as your potential clients interact with the brand before even getting their hands on the product or service. There are numerous branding solutions when working on a budget, it simply comes down to your strategic approach of getting to most ‘bang out of your buck’ while remaining relevant.
However, this does not mean that you need to move heaven & earth in the hope that you may stand out in the minds of a handful of customers. But that you must become more strategic in how you use your marketing budget. Whether opting for promotional giveaways or eventing equipment or possibly a combination of the two, you should always be conscious of the type of event you will be exhibiting in, as well as potentially being able to re-use what you already may have ordered. Gazebos, pull up banners and flying banners are quite possibly the best investment products, they can be set up in a timely fashion and add a level of professionalism to any event. Not only can they be re-used for multiple events but they can be re-skinned at a fraction of the price of ordering new branding equipment for each event.
If promotional giveaways or merchandise fits into your brand and marketing potential, then ensure your product selection will leave a lasting impression without breaking the bank. To do this, it is important to identify your target market and understand their needs before deciding on your marketing approach. The objective is to present your product or service in the most favourable light.
If your target audience is a room full of businessmen who are constantly responding to emails or taking calls, a product such as a cardholder for your phone with your logo and contact details will take up a substantial portion of marketing real-estate. This means that your brand could appear in the boardrooms of potential clients & spread brand awareness.
Your branding reiterates a lot about your brand, as your potential clients interact with the brand before even getting their hands on the product or service. There are numerous branding solutions when working on a budget, it simply comes down to your strategic approach of getting to most ‘bang out of your buck’ while remaining relevant.